
19 December, 2010

John Calvin friends light up Salisbury

Lighted Christmas Ball Workshop
John Calvin Presbyterian Church
December 11, 2010
In the spirit of true fellowship, Richard Browne of Salisbury, NC, led a workshop at John Calvin Presbyterian Church to teach friends how to make and hang Lighted Christmas Balls.  Richard and Kellie, formerly of Greensboro, brightened that part of God's kingdom known as Salisbury, NC in July when they made 209 Overman Avenue their home.  Rather than tell 200 curious onlookers how he made and hung the Lighted Christmas Balls, Richard instead launched a workshop.  Click here to see the Christmas Ball equivalent of 'teach a man to fish.'

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    I live in Winston and haven't ever been over to see your neighborhood, but will in the future. May you all be richly blessed for bringing not only beauty and joy to people's lives, but for doing all the good work with your donations.


Hi - Thanks for stopping by. We'd love to include images or video of your Lighted Christmas Balls. along with your street address, city, and state.