lighted Christmas balls grace a rustic lakefront B&B 1,248 miles northwest of greensboro. Bill & Barbara Briggs, owners of Sheridan on the Lake B&B visited their daughter and son in law in Greensboro. "I was able to get up seven balls," Barbara writes, "only six show up in the attached pictures. The snow and cold set in before I could get any more up - too cold out there now. More next year." Writes Bill, "my son in law and I made and put up six balls before we left Greensboro. I brought one home with me and made seven more. The eighth one will go up if weather breaks. At night they really look good and they can be seen by all cars passing by on highway US 41. We have had a couple people interested in how they were made but its too late for this year up here with the cold & snow starting to set in. We were lucky with the late winter weather. Actually, putting them up is the biggest challenge but went well after I got started. They are on timers." Click here for weather info at the B&B. Photo: Bill & Barbara Briggs
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