Lighted Christmas Balls Workshop and Neighborhood Party

Please join us for
Neighborhood Block Party and Dinner to kick off another
Lighted Christmas Ball Season.
Ridgeway Drive between Madison Ave and West Market Street
November 24th 2-5 (rain date 12/1)
Ridgeway Drive between Madison Ave and West Market Street
November 24th 2-5 (rain date 12/1)
Bring 2 strings of 100 of mini lights for your ball and
we will have some chicken wire for purchase at our cost.
Also bring covered dish to share and drinks
we will have some chicken wire for purchase at our cost.
Also bring covered dish to share and drinks
The lights are magical but simply set the stage for Shine the Light on Hunger food drive
Over the last 16 years
The amazingly generous folks from Greensboro and beyond have
contributed $398,643
dropped off 114,490 pounds of food
to provide 2,847,750 meals.