Please let your friends know or post to your facebook that we will have the food collection through next weekend(3 locations - Rolling and East Greenway, Madison and Ridgeway, and Rolling and Ridgeway. We estimate the present collection to top 6000 lbs and $1035. We had people drop off $200 in checks and cash in 2 nights last weekend as we were sitting around with friends at the 'firepit' in the front yard.
The census response has been overwhelming so I haven't had a chance to do the tally - If you have not done so, please send me your address and the total number of lighted balls or other shapes you have hanging in your yard.
I don't think the neighborhood has ever looked more lovely. So many of our streets are magnificent with the polka dotted evening skies. Magical and amazing.
THANKS to all of you who continue to make it so spectacular.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Jonathan and Anne Smith

The census response has been overwhelming so I haven't had a chance to do the tally - If you have not done so, please send me your address and the total number of lighted balls or other shapes you have hanging in your yard.
I don't think the neighborhood has ever looked more lovely. So many of our streets are magnificent with the polka dotted evening skies. Magical and amazing.
THANKS to all of you who continue to make it so spectacular.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Jonathan and Anne Smith